Episode 7 – Caryn Forsgren, ADHD and Executive Function Coach

Have you ever wanted to learn more about being a life coach? Have you been curious to hear more about ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder)? We have just the guest you have been waiting for!

On this month’s Business of “Doing” Science podcast episode, we talk with Caryn Forsgren, about her career transition from corporate technology training to starting her own ADHD coaching business. Join us and listen to Caryn’s journey and learn more about ADHD and how life coaching can transform the lives of individuals with ADHD.

Episode 6 — Sazid Khan, PhD, MPH

On this episode, we welcome Sazid Khan, PhD, MPH, and explore his journey through academia and state government to the Substance Use Prevention, Evaluation, and Research Program at RTI International, a nonprofit research institute.

Transitioning Out of Academia: Taking the First Steps

As the economic landscape continues to change globally, jobseekers are finding it increasingly difficult to find a career path that aligns with their skills, needs, and long-term goals. For graduate students, an additional level of complexity is added to this mix by focusing on acquiring a job related to their specialty or subject area of interest.

Episode 2 ─ Jesus Martinez Manso, PhD

In our latest episode, we explore the career transition of Jesus Martinez Manso, PhD, who has gone from the world of academic astrophysics to working in data science as an engineer in Silicon Valley.